Digital Impressions

A digital impression is used in dentistry to capture highly accurate 3D images of a patient's teeth, gums, and oral structures.

Digital vs Traditional Impressions

A digital impression is used in dentistry to capture highly accurate 3D images of a patient's teeth, gums, and oral structures. At Mahogany Village Dental, we use the iTero intraoral scanner to capture our digital impressions.  This process has replaced the traditional method of using impression materials, such as alginate or silicone, to create molds of your teeth and bite.

Here's how a digital impression works and how it differs from traditional impressions:

  • Process:
    • Traditional Impressions: In traditional impressions, a putty-like material is placed in a tray and inserted into the patient's mouth. The patient then bites down on the tray, and the material sets to create a mold of the teeth.
    • Digital Impressions: With digital impressions, a handheld intraoral scanner is used to capture detailed images of the teeth and gums. The scanner emits a harmless light or laser, which rapidly captures the surface contours of the oral structures, creating a precise 3D model.
  • Convenience:
    • Traditional Impressions: Traditional impressions require physical molds to be shipped to dental labs, which can extend the turnaround time for dental restorations.
    • Digital Impressions: Digital impressions can be instantly transmitted electronically to dental labs or used in-office with computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This streamlines the fabrication process, reducing wait times for patients.
  • Comfort:
    • Traditional Impressions: Many patients find traditional impressions uncomfortable due to the sensation of the impression material setting in their mouth and the need to hold still for an extended period.
    • Digital Impressions: Digital impressions offer a more comfortable experience for patients. The scanning process is quick and non-invasive, and there's no need for messy impression materials.
  • Accuracy:
    • Traditional Impressions: While traditional impressions can provide accurate results, they may be prone to distortion or errors, especially if the patient moves during the impression process.
    • Digital Impressions: Digital impressions offer exceptional accuracy and precision. The 3D images captured by the intraoral scanner provide detailed information about the teeth and bite, allowing for more precise treatment planning and fabrication of dental restorations.

Overall, digital impressions represent a significant advancement in dental technology, offering improved comfort, accuracy, and efficiency compared to traditional impression methods.

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